How to Use a Waring Pro Waffle Maker? 6 Steps

The Waring Pro waffle maker produces 1-inch deep Belgian waffles. It has a handle with which you can flip your waffle at 180 degrees. You can select from its 6 temperature settings for your level …

How to Use a Waring Pro Waffle Maker

The Waring Pro waffle maker produces 1-inch deep Belgian waffles. It has a handle with which you can flip your waffle at 180 degrees. You can select from its 6 temperature settings for your level of crispiness and brownness with its temperature control dial. 

Once you plug it into an outlet, its power indicator light will come up and the device will start preheating. And when it’s ready to cook, its ready indicator light will come on. The device comes with a measuring cup that can be used to measure your batter into the lower cooking plate. In addition, there’s a drip tray that catches spillovers. Most importantly, it cooks waffles perfectly.

How to Use Waring Pro Waffle Maker?

Step 1:

Plug the waffle maker into an outlet and switch the outlet on. The power light will come on instantly.

Step 2:

To preheat the device, you need to turn the control dial to setting #5 or your preferred temperature setting. The device will begin to preheat. It could take up to 4 minutes to finish preheating and the ready light will come on. While it’s preheating, you may notice a strange smoke and odor if you’re using the device for the first time. Both smoke and odor should fizzle out before the preheating completes. You can begin to prepare your batter as the device preheats.             

Step 3:

When the device is fully preheated, a ready light will come right on. Quickly apply a non-stick spray to the lower and upper plates of the waffle maker. After that, you can open the grid with its handle and pour the batter into it. If you’re using the measuring cup that came with the device, fill the grid with one full cup. But if you’re using the standard cup, it should be ¾ full. 

Step 4:

After pouring the batter into the grid, try to spread it evenly over the grid with a wooden spatula.

Step 5:

After closing the device, you should flip it by 180 degrees for even cooking. By now, the ready indicator light should have gone off because it stays on for only 30 seconds. By the time it comes on again, your waffle will be ready. 

Step 6:

Depending on your chosen setting and the chosen recipe, it could take about 3 minutes or a little longer to cook your waffle. When the light comes on, you can remove your delicious waffle with a wooden spatula. Using metal utensils could scratch off the coating of the plate.

If you intend to make multiple batches of waffles, you only need to apply non-stick spray or vegetable oil only before cooking the first batch of waffles. You don’t have to apply it before every batch of waffles.  

How Much Batter Do You Put in a Waring Pro Waffle Maker?

This depends on the measuring cup you want to use. A measuring cup comes with the product and the cup has a maximum line. If you’re using the cup, you can fill it up to the maximum line. Don’t exceed the line to avoid messy spillovers. 

On the other hand, if you prefer to use a standard measuring cup, you need to fill it up to the ¾ level with your batter. Don’t exceed the ¾ level. Remember, dough rises while being baked. You need to leave space for the rising of the expansion of the waffles. 

How Long Do You Cook a Waffle in a Waring Pro Waffle Maker?

The length of cooking time depends on your chosen setting, the recipe, and your brownness preference. Higher settings cook waffles faster than lower settings. That said, it generally takes a Waring Pro waffle maker about 3 – 6 minutes to bake waffles.

How to Clean a Waring Pro Waffle Maker?

It is necessary to clean your waffle maker after every use. Start from the interior. Use a party brush to brush out crumbs of waffles. After that, soak a piece of soft cloth in mild soapy water. Squeeze the cloth gently and use it to wipe the lower and upper cooking plates. Now, you can rinse off the cloth and dip it in some clean water. Squeeze it gently before using it to wipe the cooking plates.

You can also use the same cloth to wipe the exterior of the product. Finally, wipe both interior and exterior with a dry piece of cloth.

Final Word

How to Use a Waring Pro Waffle Maker

The Waring Pro waffle maker is a great device that comes with a drip tray that prevents spillovers from messing up your kitchen. It also comes with a measuring cup. The best part is that you can choose your preferred cooking settings. Although setting #5 is recommended, you can try each of the settings one by one before sticking to the one that produces the best waffles.

Christina R. Johnson

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