What Waffle Maker Do Hotels Use?

Of course, waffles taste so good and that’s why they are popular. However, some waffles taste better than others. In fact, sophisticated hotels are known for serving some of the best and tastiest waffles. So, …

What Waffle Maker Do Hotels Use

Of course, waffles taste so good and that’s why they are popular. However, some waffles taste better than others. In fact, sophisticated hotels are known for serving some of the best and tastiest waffles. So, how do they do it consistently? The two factors that will determine the quality of waffles are the kind of waffle mix you use and your waffle maker.

Hotels have got these two things right. They use the best waffle makers and receive a constant supply of great brands of waffle mix. So, waffles made in hotels are simply out of this world.

What Waffle Maker Do Hotels Use?

Different hotels use different types of waffle makers, but the waffle makers seem to have certain features in common. Hotels use waffle makers that can make multiple waffles at the same time. In fact, they use non-stick waffle makers that can produce up to 50 waffles in an hour. 

What Kind of Waffle Mix Do Hotels Use?

Hotels use a great waffle mix that produces golden brown waffles and a fantastic aroma. There’s a brand that’s known for supplying numerous hotels around the world with a great waffle mix. The brand is the Golden Malted Waffle Flour Mix. It contains the highest quality cornmeal, flour, and wheat. And it is blended with natural flavorings and premium malt. The mix always yields tasty, crunchy, and crispy waffles that keep guests coming back for more.

Why Are Hotel Waffles So Good?

The answer is simple. Hotels use the highest quality waffles made by the best in the business and they also use the best non-stick waffle makers. So, they always get fantastic results. You can do the same. Purchase a great waffle maker and use Golden Malted Waffle Mix. And you’ll consistently get hotel-grade waffles.

How to Use Hotel Waffle Makers?

It is a little difficult to answer this question because different hotels make use of different waffle makers. However, every waffle maker comes with some useful instructions and recipes. Take the time to read and understand all the instructions before using the waffle maker. So, to use any hotel-grade waffle maker, you need to follow the usage instructions and recipe instructions strictly. 

Generally, you need to prepare your waffle mix according to the recipe and allow it to rest. Switch on your waffle maker and wait until it reaches the appropriate temperature. Some waffle makers will indicate when they attain this temperature. Some waffle makers will give a beep, while others will indicate with a light.

Now, you can pour in the appropriate quantity of batter and close the lid. Then you can flip the batter with the rotation handle. When the waffles are done, the waffle makers will indicate with either a light or a beep.

What Waffle Maker Do Hotels Use

Final Words

As mentioned above, hotels make the best and tastiest waffles because they use the highest-quality waffle makers and the best waffle mix. Hotels use waffle makers that are non-stick and can produce multiple waffles at the same time. These waffle makers can be flipped and they are fast enough to produce more than 50 delicious waffles in an hour.

Also, the Golden Malted Waffle mix is about the best waffle mix and it has been supplied to hotels since 1937. That confirms the quality of the waffle mix. You can purchase the same brand of waffle mix too.

Christina R. Johnson

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